THOMAS PATCH (1725 - 1759) ARTIST AND DEALER, arrived in Rome in 1747, and until he was expelled for exuberant gay behaviour, a centre of the cultural life of the capital. Here is his Self Portait etching,done in Florence to whence he fled after being demounced, inscribed, under the protection of Sir Horace Mann,the British Envoy there. The etching is entitled ", Patch Pinx et Sculp. Floren
INSCRIBED, "Patch Pinx et Sculp. Floren: "Price half-Cronin"; in plate below image: "; and when Death himself Knocked at my door / ; ye had him come again and in so gay a tone / ; of careless indifference did ye doit that he / ; doubted of his Commission There must cert: / ; ainly be some Mistake in thy Matter," quoth he / T. S." [Thomas Sterne] [the text repeated in Italian at right].
STERNE AND DEATH IS ENTITLED "And When Death Himself Knocked at My Door". Patch painted Sterne in Florence in December 1765
THE OLD WATER COLOUR SOCIETY "Thomas Patch" by Watson. Article and list of caricatures
Patch and Mann appear in Zoffany's tribuna 
in the Public Domain 
