can we learn ?
• the pacing of the narrative
• the establishment of a pattern
• the presentation of the problem
• the build-up
• the resolution
• that success of the joke as design can be assessed because
of audience response (laughter, hysteria, silence, booing etc)
The mise en scene of a film; what can be learned by the designer or
illustrator of the way action/flow moves through space ? The mise
en scene is a complex term generally used in reference to the staging
of a play or film is considering a s a whole the settings, the movements
of the actors in relations to the settings, lighting and so forth.
1. Leo McCarey on early Laurel and Hardy films. " At that time
comics had, for the most part, a tendency to `do too much'. With Laurel
and Hardy we introduced a nearly opposite comic conception. I tried
- we tried - to direct them in such a way that they showed nothing,
expressed nothing, which had the consequence of making the public,
which was waiting for the opposite, laugh. We restrained ourselves
so much in showing the actors' feelings that the public couldn't hold
back its laughter, and laughed because we remained serious. "
Cahiers du Cinema Feb 1965 quoted in Leyda, Film Makers Speak
2. "Laurel and Hardy have modernised the custard pie slapstick."
Pare Lorenz 1932 (from Lorenz on Film) . "They are famous for
the world they tumble about them. They have but to touch the garden
gate and it collapses it ruins before their eyes. Do what they will,
the bricks of their houses dislodge on their inoffensive and embarrassed
heads, the water-butt leaps up to meet them, the window slams on their
fingers. It is no wonder if sometimes in desperation they give up
the impossible task of staving off chaos and, in an orgy of destruction,
welcome it. They are perhaps the Civil Servants of comedy. Nothing
on earth would please them better than a quiet permanence in all things."
John Grierson, as beneath. "Yet through it all there remains
the curious continuity of two figures, one thin and one fat, which
deplore the disturbances they are creating. They hate it, and would
avoid it if they could. They are men of peace. But in this case the
meek are not blessed. They do not inherit the earth.They inherit chaos."Grierson.
Tit for Tat
Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy
2 reels, sound, 20 minutes;
directed by Charles Rogers
produced by Hal Roach
photographed by Art Lloyd
edited by Bert Jordan
Tit for Tat is the only sequel to another L&H film, Them
Thar Hills (which accounts for the recognition between L&H
and the Grocer, Charlie Hall. His wife hums a song from that film).
PLOT – Stan and Ollie start up an electrical goods shop next
to Hall's Groceries. Ollie inadvertently finds himself on the grocer's
window and is helped downstairs by the grocer's wife. The grocer
besmirches Ollie's reputation and action leads to retaliation. A
policeman intervenes and eats a marshmallow coated with alum meant
to discomfort L&H.
NB Alum causes the lips to pucker up and dry the mouth.
EXERCISE Mentally construct for yourself the ground plan of the set.
How would you make a diagram of the events that registered the role
played by the shoplifter ; the pace and content of the story
• Richard Roud(ed) Cinema A Critical Dictionary The
Major Film-Makers, Viking Press New York, 1980 Vol2, "Laurel
and Hardy"
• James Agee, "Comedy's Greatest Era", from Agee
on Film, Wideview Books, New York, 1983
• McCabe and Kilgore Laurel and Hardy, The Official
Record, Ballantyne New York 1975
• John Grierson, Grierson on Documentary,
Faber and Faber London 1966, see "The Logic of Comedy"
• Andrew S.Horton, Comedy/Cinema/Theory,
Univ. of Calif. Press London and Berkeley, 1991, see Noel Carroll,
The Sight gag; Peter Lehman, Penis-size Jokes and Their relation
to Hollywood's Unconscious; William Paul, Charles
Chaplin and the Annals of Anality; Cartoon and Narrative in the
Films of Frank Tashlin and Preston Sturges.
• Alastair Cooke, Garbo and the Night Watchman, Secker
and Warburg London 1971.
• W.H.Auden ( "Notes on the Comic", in The
Dyer's Hand and other Essays, 1962).
• Charles Baudelaire, On the Essence of Laughter, and in general,
On the Comic in the Plastic Arts, (1855)
• Max Beerbohm, "Laughter" in And Even Now,
• Henri Bergson, Laughter, 1900
• Charles Darwin, The Expression of the Emotions in
Man and Animals (1872)
• Ralph Waldo Emerson, "The Comic" in Letters
and Social Aims, (1883)
• Lucien Fabre, Le Rire and les rieurs (1929)
• Henry Fielding, preface to Henry Andrews
• Sigmund Freud Jokes and their Relation to the Unconscious,
1905; Humour, (1927)
• David Hartley, Observations on Man (1749)
• William Hazlit, "On Wit and Humour", in Lectures
on the English Comic Writers (1819)
• Johann Huizinga, Homo Ludens, (1944)
• Leigh Hunt, Wit and Humour (1848)
• Laurent Joubert, Traite du ris, (1579)
• Suzanne Langer, "Great Dramatic Forms : The Comic Rhythm",
Feeling and Form (1953)
• George Meredith, The Idea of Comedy and the Uses
of the Comic Spirit, (1877)
• Marcel Pagnol, Notes sur le Rire, (1947)
• Luigi Pirandello, L"Umorismo (1920)
• Herbert Spencer, "The Physiology of Laughter"
in Essays Scientific Political and Speculative ((1868-74)
Literary and Narrative Conventions of the Humorous (don't expect
to know them all) from Evan Esar, The Humor of Humor, Phoenix,
London 1954,
Types of Humour
The Wisecrack, The Epigram, The Riddle,
The Conundrum, The Gag, The Joke, The Anecdote)
Techniques of Humour
(The Chain, The Round, The Pendulum, Blunting, The Reversible, Cumulative
Humour, The Nutshell)
Tangletalk, The Spoonerism, Fuddletalk, The Tongue Twister, Babytalk,
Cockney, Doubletalk)
(The Pun, The Wellerism, The Transposer, The Antonymist, The Blendword,
The Repeatism, The Macaronic)
The Fool
( The Fooltown, The Gothamite Tale, The April Fool, The Absent Minded
Professor, The Fool's Query, The Little Moron)
The Slip
(The Malapropism, The Boner, The Bull, The Goldwynism, The Freudian
The Blunder
( Mistaken Identity, The Double Blunder, The Typographic Error,
The Bonehead, The Recovery, The Relapse)
The Wisecrack
(The Biogram, The Height, The Caricaturism, The Caller, The Daughter,
The personifier, The You-Tell-'Em)
The Gag
(Repartee, The Panhandle, The Hecklerism, The Sentry, Who was that
Lady ? Knock, Knock, The Soup Fly)
The Trick
(The Practical Joke, The Catch, The Seat Getter, The Trick Sign,
The Trick Bet, The Attention Getter)
The Twist
(Twist Wit, The Extended Proverb, The Laffer, The Parkerism, The
(Types )
(Satire, Irony, Parody, Sarcasm, Burlesque)
The Epigram(The Adviser, The Before and After, The Old Fashioned
Girl, The Rhyming Epigram, The Confucian Saying)
The Funny Story(The Shaggy Dog Story, The Tall Tale, The Marred
Anecdote, The Fable, The Catch Tale)
(The Nonsensism, The Limerick, Feminine Logic, The Exaggerism, The
Little Willie) "To all the banterers, buffoons, burlesquers,
caricaturists, cartoonists, clowns, comics or comedians, cynics,
funny fiends, gongorists, ironists, jesters and jokers, laughing
lovers, mythmakers, parodists, punsters, quipsters, raconteurs,
railers, satirists, scoffers, wits and witlings, zanies and one
wise wife who over the years have made me laugh." Dedication
to N.H.Holland's Laughing, a Psychology of Humour, Cornell Univ
Press Ithaca, 1982
