Two Frenchmen, who have been attempting to domesticate the crocodile, are seized by the angry beasts. A monster seizes in its jaws the leg of the man who has attempted to ride it; the man clasps halter and whip, his saddle lies on the ground together with a large book, 'Sur l'Education du Crocodile', beside which are three plates: 'Planche 1st', a Frenchman rides a crocodile; 'Pl: 2de', a Frenchman drives a high phaeton drawn by a pair of crocodiles; 'Pl: 3me', a small boat is drawn through the water by a crocodile. In the middle distance (right) a crocodile seizes the coat of a terrified man, who drops a book: 'Les Droits du Crocodile' (cf. BMSat 9352). A third crocodile (left) with hungry jaws climbs from the reeds fringing the river. 12 March 1799 Hand-coloured etching