Miss Farren and Lord Derby, both in profile to the right, walk together inspecting pictures. She, very thin and tall, looks over his head through a glass at a picture in the second row of 'Zenocrates & Phryne'. He looks at the picture immediately below, 'The Death', a huntsman holding up a fox to the hounds. The frame is decorated by an earl's coronet with horses, cf. BMSat 9074, &c. Lord Derby, much caricatured, very short and obese, wears riding-dress with spurred boots and holds a whip. Miss Farren wears no hat, a dress hanging from the shoulders and trailing behind her, short sleeves and gloves. Both hold an open 'Catalogue'. Behind, a man (left) and two ladies in back view and arm-in-arm inspect a picture of 'Susan[nah and the] Elders'. The lady in the centre wears a high, twisted turban (cf. BMSat 8755) with an enormous feather, the other wears a round hat. 24 September 1796 Hand-coloured etching and aquatint