The design resembles high relief or even a group modelled in the round, though beneath the title is etched: 'Engrav'd from a Basso-relievo, lately found upon some fragments of Antiquity'. Three amoretti attend the toilet of an aged hag; the cestus of Venus is a huge pad which one (left) ties round her waist, and another supports. A third (right) holds up an oval mirror which reflects the monstrous curve of the pad. She wears a small grotesque straw hat, from which hangs drapery reaching to the ground, with stays and under-petticoat; from a pocket protrudes 'Ovid Art [of Love]'. She crouches in profile to the right, her hands raised delightedly. Cupid, who ties the girdle, has a quiver of arrows which hangs reversed; his bow and arrow lie beside him. Behind (right) is an overturned altar of Venus, the fire still burning. Beneath the title: '"Upon her fragrant breast the Zone was brac'd; In it was ev'ry art, and ev'ry charm To win the wisest, and the coldest warm.' 29 April 1793 Hand-coloured etching and aquatint