George III on his throne asleep, while the new ministry, helped by devils, drive out the king's old advisers. The king, his throne raised on a dais of three steps covered with a fringed carpet, leans back, his mouth open, his feet crossed. His ermine-trimmed robe hangs open and shows a crown stuffed into the pocket of his coat. From his right hand his sceptre is falling; in his left he holds a book, inscribed "Pinchee on Snuffers", an allusion to Pinchbeck, the supposed "king's friend", see BMSat 5234, &c. Cf. W. Mason's 'Ode to Mr. Pinchbeck upon his newly invented candle-snuffers', 1776. In the centre of the room, at the foot of the dais, stands Charles Fox with a fox's head, in back view, his left hand on the shoulder of the Devil, his right holding North by his neck-cloth. He looks at the Devil saying, "This is Boreas; he'll make an excellent pair of Bellows Old Boy". Large bunches of grapes protrude from the pockets of Fox's coat, cf. BMSat 5962. The Devil wears a toupet-wig and queue, coat, ruffled shirt and trousers, showing bare feet with talons. He has horns, tail, and claws, and holds in his right hand a long pitchfork, ornamented with tassels. North puffs from his mouth a visible blast; from his coat pocket project bars inscribed Soap, an allusion to the tax laid on soap. Cf. BMSat 5964, &c. Behind, demons are carrying off the king's late advisers through a wide doorway, over which is carved "Pandaemoniu[m]", towards flames and smoke. A demon (right), clad in a pair of breeches, runs towards the door holding on his shoulders Sandwich and Germain (created Viscount Sackville on 11 Feb. 1782) tied back to back, Sackville underneath looking over the demon's back; he holds in his right hand a broken sword, in his left a "Pla[n] of Minden" in allusion to his supposed cowardice at Minden. Sandwich's legs hang over Sackville's shoulders, he holds out his arms, crying "Wee'r sailing in a damn'd hot Latitude". A small imp or winged serpent above their heads darts flames at them. Bute in Highland dress is being pushed towards the flames by a small demon who prods him with a pitchfork saying Gee up lazy Boots. On Bute's left is Mansfield, [Thurlow, according to Grego] in judge's wig and gown, a flying demon has clutched him by the wig and is dragging him towards the flames. A demon's head looks out of the fire at the advancing victims. On the wall of the room, to the right of the king, is a picture, the "Wisdom of Solomon"; where the incident of the two mothers, the infant, and the executioner is freely sketched on a small scale. 2 April 1782 Hand-coloured etching