David Levine
The Team
We have long urged students to look at David Levine - a terrific tonal
control and an uncanny ability to sustain likeness and characteristic
poses. We include one image only here to stimulate further study. It is
a neat narrative device, to imagine the power brokers of the Johnson cabinet
as a sort of Totem Pole. From the ground up, the figures are
Hubert Humphrey the Great Optimist caressing a Cornucopia from which ooze
clunky little TV's.
Next up is Dean Rusk with his flabby face and bat-ears, while surmounting
the Secretary of State - the Tsar of Foggy Bottom -
is that Prince of the Balance-Sheet Robert McNamara with sword and reflecting
specs as Secretary of Defence.
Top of the Pole is LBJ with his Imperial symbols. What fortune to be born
with so much graphic satirical talent in a land of such Great Grotesques.
Find your copy of NO KNOWN SURVIVORS , Gambit Boston
1970. Look for Spiro, Nixon and Kissinger. We have a lot to thank Levine