Untersdorf Bavarian Monastery, Library, 1762

Wimbourne Minster, Chained Library 1896

Hereford Cathedral, Chained Library 1894

picture of books from an emblem source 1622





01. Martinus Lipenius, Bibliotheca Realis Medica , Frankfurt, 1679 -1685. An interior of great scale and ambition. A couple of men in the middle distance, are positively cowed by each other's importance.

02. A stock printing block; from Leadenhall Press, 1000 Quaint Cuts undated, c1825

03. Stephen Gooden's Bookplate for the Liverpool Public Library.

04. P.A.Novelli's decoration to Antonio Gabriel's Poesia Venice 1785 and a fine conceit on the theme of reading.

05. from Jean Mariette, Architecture Francoise... Paris 1727/38.

06. an obliging Library makes a game of readers' requests from Boston c1835.

07. drawing by John Leech for PUNCH (c1843) commenting on the lack of stock to be found at the Seaside, from John Leech's Drawings of Life and Character, c1870.