01 06 The Seven Days of Creation ;printed by Newbery in c1765, The Mosaic Creation.

02 Seven wonders of the World (Daumier draws)

03 The Illustrious and Renowned History of the Seven Famous Champions of Christendom, Hawes, Ware, Crowder, 1766 The Seven Sorrows (of Mary)

04 The Seven Rung Ladder of Devotion from Girolamo Savonarola's Epistole e diversi ,late 1497; and a repeated symbol of human beings ascension to knowledge or faith.

05 and 07 seven Liberal arts

08 After Peter Breughel, from the Set of the Seven Virtues, c1560 - " Fides " (Faith) 22 x 29cms. see also CHARITY

A mystic number; the number of perfection; made of three added to four , pythagoreans' significant numbers. In Christian lore, The Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost

The Seven Daughters of Jethro

The Seven times Christ spoke on the cross.

The Seventh Child, and the seventh son of a seventh son; with magical powers of healing and divination. See Opie and Tatem.

The Seven Ages of Man; illustrated by Rockwell Kent in four drawings, Babyhood, Childhood, Youth and Young Manhood. Published by the author 1918.

The Seven Ages of Man in the Public Domain

The Seven Churches of Asia ; Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatia, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodocia.

The Seven Deadly Sins ; Pride; Envy; Sloth; Intemperence; Avarice; Anger; Lust; see Chaucer, The Parson's Tale I line 387.

The Seven Planets.

The Seven Virtues , Faith, Hope, Charity, Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and Temperence.

The Seven Sisters ;an old name of the Pleides star system. Also a British coastal feature.

The Seven Gods of Luck , in Japanese Mythology and a version of the seven Buddhist devas who preside over human happiness.

The Seven Champions ;St George of England given seven years imprisonment; St Denys of France lived seven years in the form of a hart; St James of Spain seven years in love with a fair maiden; St Anthony of Italy who extinguished seven lamps ; St Andrew of Scotland who released women from seven years of sleep; St.Patrick of Ireland who scratched his grave with his own nails; St.David of Wales slept seven years in the garden of Ormandine.

The Illustrious and Renowned History of the Seven Famous Champions of Christendom, Hawes, Ware, Crowder, 1766 The Seven Sorrows (of Mary)


The Seven Ages of a Soda July 1957

The Seven Wonders of the World

Van Heemskerk The Seven Wonders of the World