office ventilation, Rolf Klep October 1941 FORTUNE magazine


01 Jan Van der Heide's book on techniques of Firefighting published in Amsterdam in 1690, and a masterly depiction of the Cut Away.

02 P.Ferrerio and G.P.Falda, Palazzi di Roma , Rome 1680.

03 Athanasius Kircher (1602 - 1680) Musurgia Universalis sive ars magna consoni et dissoni in X libros digesta , Rome 1650. One of the most magisterial encyclopaedias of music.Otto Neurath who reproduced this in his brief autobiography ( FUTURE Books, c1945) encouraged designers to disregard certain rules of drawing - here the rules of perspective - in order to make structure clearer.

04 Lucille Corcos, advert for Georgia Pacific Plywood Company c1955 14 x 23cms ; an ingenious conceit with perfection of detail and a characteristic palette of rich almost medieval colour. Lucille Corcos illustrated Gogol's Dead Souls (Chichikov's Journeys) New York 1944 (2vols) and a gem it is too. My copy is No. 294 and is signed by the artist.


Cut Away drawings for Armstrong Industrial Insulations

Each drawing is reproduced at 18 x 24 cms and was available for framing or within a brochure called " How Industry Operates " a collection of 13 full colour reproductions after Soltesz.

I know little about the man but admire his visual ingenuity in making the relationship between process and industrial premises clear.
01 Big Restaurant July 1950
02 Department Store May 1951 (compare to the Klep above)
03 Photographic Film January 1948
04 Paper November 1951.