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Earl Mayan

Mayan was a marvellous illustrator operating within the so-called hyper-realist style. He managed great visual invention, possessed excellent powers of drawing, and entertained his readers with an inventive set of references within the images.
Most glorious of all are his covers for the Saturday Evening Post, and the illustrations to fiction within, but he also was responsible for a lot of adverts in the press and periodical world. I have seen no reference to him in the usual reference books, but would like to pay this small tribute to him and his skills as a commercial illustrator.

His daughter wrote to me that he was delighted that, somewhere in this great world, somebody was shining a light on his work. I found that very moving.

ROW 01

three covers from The Post. Then advertisement for Roy Rogers marketables, 23 x 31 with detail December 1956.


ROW 02

01 illustration to a story in the Saturday Evening Post feb 1954 26 x 26cms,

02   Saturday Evening Post, illustration c1957 detail of the above

03 Saturday Evening Post, March 1961 27 x 34cms

04 Saturday Evening Post, illustration c1957

ROW 03

01 illustration to The Little Store on Blecker Street, Saturday Evening Post , 1966 7 x 34cms (all of right hand page, small panel to the left not shown)

02 my favourite exercise in point of view and dramatic colour, Saturday Evening Post, February 1955. 27 x 27 cms.

03 illustration to The Frightened Wife, 14 x 17cms, Saturday Evening Post, c1955 Original lost.